Tag: memorabilia

Living on the Light Side

I’m down in the hills of Texas for a few weeks and when it’s dark here….IT’S DARK. I keep a flashlight with me when I venture out at night. That made me think again about Star Wars. Two years in a row, my family and I caught the latest Star Wars flick. Star Wars is…

By Donna Wuerch January 14, 2017 Off

He Blesses the Work of Our Hands

Day 7 of 365 Photo Inspirations. It’s quite effortless to be inspired in my children’s homes — where there are grandchildren filled with life, wonder and excitement.  In addition to those little live-wires, the precious symbols, photos and memorabilia all over their homes gives me many opportunities to capture and seize precious moments, and even…

By Donna Wuerch January 6, 2015 Off