He Blesses the Work of Our Hands

January 6, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 7 of 365 Photo Inspirations.

It’s quite effortless to be inspired in my children’s homes — where there are grandchildren filled with life, wonder and excitement.  In addition to those little live-wires, the precious symbols, photos and memorabilia all over their homes gives me many opportunities to capture and seize precious moments, and even remember special times from the past.  

This beautiful shadowbox display has a prominent place in my daughter’s home.  It represents two of the most precious memories that we have — the Christening outfit  worn by my grandson, Payton, and 2-1/2 years later, the Christening dress and jacket worn by my granddaughter, Alexia.  I made the dress and jacket.  I had such joy in selecting the pattern, the fabric, and sewing each stitch, weaving in the ribbon and sewing on the lace.

I have such a sweet remembrance of this time — of course the incredible significance of dedicating those babies to God, but especially the pride and joy I had in seeing precious little Alexia in that dress I made with such tender loving care.  It was tedious work, but only because I wanted it to be perfect for my new little granddaughter.  I haven’t sewn much since that little dress — other than the occasional repair of a seam or letting out or taking in a clothing item.

Sewing was a big deal back in “my day”.  I took home economics in school and learning to sew was a vital part of that class.  I’m still grateful for what I learned during those days. It has served me well.

Today, with stores full of clothing so readily available to us as well as so reasonably priced, it takes someone who really loves her sewing craft to take the time and effort to make a dress or outfit.  But loving her craft provides so many rewards — like the reward I had today in the sweet memories.

As I gazed at this work of art in the shadowbox, I realized that “the work of our hands” can be a ministry — as we sew or craft something for someone, prepare a meal for someone that may be homebound, repair or remodel areas in a home, wash dishes, paint, caress a child, and reach out to touch someone with love.   God has given each of us unique gifts for ministry.  What has the fruit of YOUR hands done for others?  Take it from me — the rewards of allowing God to use our hands in ministry and service to others is beyond blessing.  “The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands…..” Deuteronomy 28:12