Tag: mid wife

I Wish You Knew

This day, eight years ago, began with the routine we had become accustomed to after eleven months of doctors’ appointments, six surgeries, many treatments, infusions, pain management and a host of other daily activities. Each day was a new day with hope and great expectations for conquering the events of the day, without being conquered…

By Donna Wuerch November 16, 2018 Off

In the Light of Eternity

One of my favorite sayings is “In the light of eternity….it just won’t matter”! And, I usually say it when discussions go controversial, or when I’m making a trivial decision. Bottom line, like the “God quote” here, this life is just so short, why should we sweat the small stuff? We’re going to spend much…

By Donna Wuerch May 1, 2014 Off