Tag: Misbehaving

A Switch Changed My Perspective

A switch? What is a switch? That was a slim tree branch that my mama used to swat my legs and straighten my attitude out when I was a little girl. That swat made a lot of difference in turning my wrongs to rights! Never would I have ever considered my precious mom’s correction as…

By Donna Wuerch November 20, 2022 Off

Behaving Ourselves

I watched a young man checking his items out at a store. He scanned each item then I saw him slip another item with it and didn’t scan that item. I wanted to say, “Behave yourself”, but didn’t. However, I did get a fresh, new blog from the scene. “Behave yourself!” Isn’t that something you…

By Donna Wuerch August 14, 2022 Off

Are We Behaving Wisely?

Typically, we use the word, misbehaving, when it comes to the way our children act up. But, I’m sure you will agree that we have been inundated with “misbehaving” adults lately, particularly in the political arena. But, that’s them, what about us? We faith-talking, Bible-toting, cross-wearing, Christ-following people are being watched by those in our…

By Donna Wuerch August 13, 2018 Off