Tag: mission

Our Mission Field is Wherever We Are

All my life, literally, all my life, I have been encouraged to love God and share His good news. It started, early on, when I saw the flannel board images of Bible characters while my teacher shared the Gospel story. I was also taught little songs that emphasized the love God has for me. “Jesus…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 27, 2019 Off

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Yesterday I stopped by my children’s home and I saw this aluminum foil creation with a point on the top (and, of course, a bow to show it was designed with a woman in mind!). Alexia (my creative granddaughter) had made it the night before. I’m not sure where her imagination was going to but…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 18, 2018 Off

Trucking for Jesus

I met this beautiful couple at a Holy Spirit Retreat this weekend. Leon and Lorraine, who, by profession, are truck drivers. I learned about the benefits of being a truck driver – especially when you have your spouse with you and she’s a driver, too. Though the financial blessing is right at the top, for…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 6, 2018 Off

Happy Memorial Day!

I live in a 55+ community of almost 3,000 homes and I’ve noticed incredible patriotism throughout on this Memorial Day. American flags are lining the main roadways and most homes have a flag in their yard or on their home. I’m quite sure many of those who live in this community are veterans and/or they…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 28, 2018 Off


LET IT BE And, Mary said “‘Let it be’…unto me according to your word.” In essence, she said “YES”. Such a simple word — only three little letters. but that “YES” changed everything for us. By her humble obedience to trust in what God was asking, the course of human history was changed. It wasn’t…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 15, 2016 Off