Tag: paul


Welcome, March! Time is literally MARCH-ing forward, and so are we! An army platoon marches forward, never backward. Whether soldiers are stationed at their home base, transitioning between posts, or engaged in battle, they are always on assignment –pressing onward until their mission is complete. For curiosity’s sake, I looked up how many active U.S.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 1, 2025 0

Before & After Stories

Restore — as in something broken and then made new. To restore is to return someone or something to a better, often original, state. It’s a process we admire in the hands of artisans like Chip and Joanna Gaines. They take the dated and dilapidated and transform it into something stunning — a home, a…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 17, 2025 Off

Are We Good at “Christianing”?

We, Christian (Christ-like) folks think we’re decent people. You know, we have all those “good” characteristics to our credit: going to church, tithing, giving offerings, wearing a cross necklace, attending a Bible Study, volunteering for a charity. How could anyone think we are anything but wonderful? I think of myself as being a good girl…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 1, 2024 Off

We are Messengers

With all the text messaging we do, we can officially declare ourselves “messengers”! We’ve got it down well – just a quick message to announce: “On my way home!” “Running late – home by 6!” “Thx for the info!” “What’s for dinner?” But, today, I’m referring to being “life” messengers because we ARE the message!…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 5, 2024 Off

My Grace Needs Help

I’ve heard and sung about God’s amazing grace all my life. Though we make mistakes and have not-nice attitudes and are weak in our grace to others, God loves us deeply anyway. Grace – God’s unmerited favor — is always helping us in our weaknesses. “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 26, 2023 Off

Hanging Out at the Temple

Tuesday of Holy Week could be called “Temple Tuesday,” because in Matthew 21 we read how Jesus spent most of the day in the Temple — teaching and using parables to make His points. Jesus didn’t write blogs back then – but He certainly left a lasting impression in His teachings. According to Matthew, Mark…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 4, 2023 Off