We are Messengers

We are Messengers

February 5, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

With all the text messaging we do, we can officially declare ourselves “messengers”! We’ve got it down well – just a quick message to announce: “On my way home!” “Running late – home by 6!” “Thx for the info!” “What’s for dinner?”

But, today, I’m referring to being “life” messengers because we ARE the message! Check out this scripture:
“And because of you, the Lord’s message has spread everywhere in those regions. Now the news of your faith in God is known all over the world, and we don’t have to say a thing about it.”
(1 Thessalonians 1:8)

The Apostle Paul is praising the Thessalonica church because they spread the Good News! And guess what! We are that “church”, too! God put us on the earth to be “Good News” spreaders, too!

He wants to say something to the rest of the world through you and me. Just into this new year by a little over a month, it is the perfect time to think about what our life message is and then determine to share it with the people around us.

Remember singing “This little light of mine. I’m gonna’ let it shine!” Shining our lights is being God’s messengers. Letting the news of our faith in God be that light. And, sometimes we don’t even have to say anything – because we are the message God uses.

Any time we say, “This is what God is doing in my life,” we’re giving our life message. When we say, “I was praying about this, and here’s what happened,” we’ve given a life message. If we say, “I’ve had this problem, but God is helping me,” we are sharing our life message.

Our unique life message is used by God to spread the Good News. No one else can share our unique life message. God wants to use you and me, specifically. Why? Because the best messages are personal messages. The most powerful messages come through people.

When God wanted to share His message of love, He didn’t text it. He came in person. The Word became flesh. Jesus came to earth to show us “the message”. He is the message of love, joy, peace, grace, mercy. And, don’t we desire to be just like Him?

God wants to share “the message” to the world. And He wants to share it through you and me. I am a messenger through my daily blogs, serving at the family center, to someone in a store or place of business (like our hair salon). Jesus said to His disciples “Go into all the world and preach the good news!” He intended those words for you and me, too! “GO TELL!”

All it takes in sharing our life message is to tell OUR stories. Oh, yes, we have stories of God’s mercy and grace; of once so sick, but now well; of a broken marriage that was restored; of being childless and now a growing family. Sharing our life message could show others what God can do for them too!

Oh, yes, we are God’s messengers. Let’s talk about it and share the Good News!