It’s Just a Thorn but It Sure Hurts
If a genie in a bottle asked you this question, “What one thing, if it got better, would make the greatest difference in your life?”, what would your response be?” The answer would probably be different when we are 16 years old, 30 years old, or 65 or older. At any given age, there will…
The P & P Factor
I learn something new every day! This day I learned about the P & P Factor from my daughter, who is in the heat of Texas’ summer, while awaiting electricity to their new property in Rusk, TX. No electricity in that neck of the woods means over-the-top hot days and nights. While overseeing construction, they…
Another Proud Mama Moment
Yesterday, I asked for you to indulge me on a proud mama moment as I shared my son’s recent blog. Then yesterday morning, I saw my daughter’s recent blog. It seems blogging has caught hold of my family. I like to think that of all the things I’ve done wrong in my life, I must…
I Wish You Knew
This day, eight years ago, began with the routine we had become accustomed to after eleven months of doctors’ appointments, six surgeries, many treatments, infusions, pain management and a host of other daily activities. Each day was a new day with hope and great expectations for conquering the events of the day, without being conquered…
Safe in the Eye of the Storm
Yesterday, I posted about BEING the eye of the storm and today I’m taking it a notch up. Oftentimes, no matter the peace and calm we represent or the peace and calm we are in, still unexpected stuff happens which really reveals whether we’re just talking the talk, or actually walking the walk! Eleanor Roosevelt…
Little Things Become Big When We Look Closer
Day 108 of Photo Inspirations — Little Things Become Big When We Look Closer I took this photo this morning from the top deck of our ship. That looks like a miniature ship sailing along side us — be in reality, it’s huge. Often the little things can become BIG things. I’m in that season…