Thanks, Lois and Eunice
(Warning — longer than my usual long blogs — but, I promise you — so worth the read!) My mother’s parents, my grandfather and grandmother, John and Mary, were two of the most loving and faith-filled couple I have ever known. At any given time of the day, you’d find them praying for their children,…
What Do You Do When Life Presents an Upsetting Surprise?
I take my daily FB postings very seriously. Throughout the day I pay attention to people, places and things that could potentially be the inspiration for me. As I was driving home from Austin after two weeks away, I was thinking about my post for today. I was thinking that maybe I should write a…
Get Close to Me!
When my two youngest grandsons were younger, they slept together (sometimes they still do that). I was the Nana-in-charge because Mom and Dad were away and in order to get two very frisky, full-of-life boys to power down, I had to come up with a strategic plan-of-action. Pillow fights, jumping on the bed like it…
In Times of Pain and Broken Hearts…..
Yesterday morning, the media broadcasted about the horrendous tragedy in Orlando. For those of us who feel safe in our cozy and comfy homes, it seems a far stretch to understand such an assault on human life. I was endeavoring to put words together for my post today, but then I saw this moving post…