Where is YOUR Sweet Spot?
A few days ago, I wrote about my “sanctuary” where I find sweet peace and rest. That’s my “sweet spot”. Jesus said to His disciples “Come away with me and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31). Did you know when all around us seems to be chaos that we can “Lie down in green pastures so our…
Is it Naptime Yet?
Most everyone that reads my blog will notice that I am an early riser. I have a built-in alarm clock that awakens me around 4 am. I use that early morning time to go over my blog one more time before I post it before 6 am. My promise to God was to post my…
Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
I raised a couple of teenagers and have helped take care of those grown-up teenagers’ teenagers. I know well that they go through all facets of emotions at any given time. One day they’re optimistic and in a good mood. The next day they can have ‘tudes that put a damper on their day and…
That 4-Letter Word….Rest
I was drawn to the word “rest” after our diehard president was forced to stop and rest when he tested positive for the C-virus. A few days ago, I heard him respond to an interviewer’s question: “What symptoms were you having before you tested positive for the coronavirus?” He responded: “I just didn’t feel the…