Tag: secure

We are Chosen

We saw “The Chosen”, Series 4, 5 & 6 on Sunday night at the theater. As we watched the beauty of Jesus and his disciples and their comradery, I was reminded of the importance of friendships. But I also saw Jesus, in the movie, become quite frustrated at those knuckle-headed disciples who kept messing up.…

By Donna Wuerch February 22, 2024 Off

Oh, the Entertainment Value of God’s Creation

Change is in the air and change is in God’s creation. Austin’s Hill Country behind my children’s home is a display of God’s handiwork. Many of the trees are showing off their radiant, colored leaves and the evergreens are just that — ever green. And there has been changes and additions to our family here.…

By Donna Wuerch November 11, 2019 Off