We are Chosen

We are Chosen

February 22, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch

We saw “The Chosen”, Series 4, 5 & 6 on Sunday night at the theater. As we watched the beauty of Jesus and his disciples and their comradery, I was reminded of the importance of friendships. But I also saw Jesus, in the movie, become quite frustrated at those knuckle-headed disciples who kept messing up. Oh, the patience of Jesus! Oh, that we had His fortitude AND patience!

Yesterday, I blogged about babies and their need for security, as well as OUR need for security. From firsthand experience I know those needs. I have blogged about my insecurities as a child growing up in a home with a very sick daddy and a very hard-working mom who kept us balanced because of her strong-willed patience and faith.

Insecurities could have been my lot in life as my personal mindset was all about who I wasn’t and what I didn’t have. I didn’t have confidence in the way I looked – so skinny I took Weight-On pills. I wasn’t the most beautiful or the smartest, and my family certainly wasn’t the wealthiest. I wasn’t CHOSEN to be in the in-crowd!

It took some time, but eventually I became more balanced and secure in who I was in Christ. As my faith grew, I grew! Then, along came those who started affirming me – those who could see my gifts when I couldn’t. Before long, I grew in the knowledge that I had things to offer — a mission. Jesus CHOSE me! He was giving me a place at His table AND His mission field.

I’ve often wondered what Jesus saw in those disciples He called. And what, exactly, made James and John, Simon and Andrew drop their nets and follow Jesus so quickly. His glory, even then, must have been incredibly compelling.

Even in those first days, He must have given them His strength of purpose so they could abandon the ordinary life they knew and follow Jesus into the extraordinary unknown.

I take strength in recognizing that those disciples, in some ways, were a lot like me. They had their own insecurities before Jesus came and called them into the greatest work of their lives.

From watching all the series of “The Chosen”, I realize that Jesus’ Motley Crew of disciples grew in the same knowledge that I have grown in. Jesus made them capable. He made me capable.

Oh, the beauty of Jesus and His love for us. He comes and calls you and me to follow Him just like He did those fishermen and the tax collector and the doctor and the others. He comes in our life experiences, in our work and our missions. He breaks into our ordinary lives and invites us to keep Him company, to work alongside Him.

Dear friends, may we never miss an opportunity to step out in faith, to follow our Lord when He CHOOSES us and calls us by name and says, “I have work for you to do. I will accompany you every step of the way. Together, we will change the world!”