Our Divine Security Patrol
In a world filled with uncertainty, we are constantly reminded of how fragile life can be. By now, you probably know that last Sunday there was another attempt on President Trump’s life. Lord, have mercy! It was another chilling reminder that no one, no matter how powerful or protected, is immune to danger. That’s why…
My Teddy Bear
Besides other symbols of love on Valentine’s day, my sweetheart gave me this darling “Warmies” weighted bear that is microwaveable (great for a cold winter’s night) and has Lavender Aromatherapy in him. WHAT? A grown woman receiving a Teddy Bear – oh yes! Not only is he the softest and cutest, but he is a…
Run to those Open Arms
Okay! Maybe I’m a “stuck record”! An FYI to the kids who don’t know what “stuck record” means – it refers to the needle on a record player that got stuck on a record and we kept hearing the same lyrics over and over. In my case, it means I can’t move off the story…
Love God and Do Whatever You Please
This Love Month is coming to a close tomorrow. So, I need to squeeze in one more blog that accentuates God’s love for us and our love for Him. The title of this blog was a quote by St. Augustine. I thought “Did I hear that right? Do whatever I want?” How can that be?…
It’s Our Choice: Empty, Half-Full, or Full Glass Attitude
I raised a couple of teenagers and have helped take care of those grown-up teenagers’ teenagers. I know well that they go through all spectrums of emotions at any given time. One day they’re optimistic and in a good mood. The next day they can ‘tudes that put a damper on their day and ours!…
Peace, Goodness and Mercy in the Storm
I love to share about God’s peace, goodness and mercy that follows us all the days of our lives (Psalm 23:6) but then comes along another storm that rocks and reels our world. Hurricane Ida came in with a vengeance. I was thankful to see my Louisiana friends mark themselves as safe on Facebook. But…
Navigating the Fast Lane
I celebrated my two-month anniversary of my move to Austin on April 23rd. I am pleased to report that I’ve been navigating this busy metropolis quite well. The operative word is navigating – me AND my Waze app, my driving best friend. I can avoid traffic jams and road construction if I will listen and…
Untangling the Knots
When I moved, I had a brilliant idea to hang my necklaces and chains on a couple of hangers with a plastic bag pulled on from the bottom up. Or so I thought it was a brilliant idea. Not so much. I’m still untangling the tangled! And there are many of us whose lives are…
Bam Wham Computer Down!
Nothing like starting the day with great expectancy and promise. Then all it takes is one major kink in the hose, so to speak, to stop the flow. And, in my case, it was bam, wham and my computer was down. That means a call for 911 computer help! Fortunately, that day last week happened…
Life is Often Like a Wild Water Ride
Aw! Water! Refreshing, cool, thirst-quenching water. I’ve been packing a lot of water over the last week or so. The warmer weather and being outdoors requires it. But, today, I’m talking about the beautiful water features that I’ve been enjoying. My Austin family and I spent the last week at the Gulf of Texas’ Port…