Tag: sleepless night

When It Seems Impossible NOT to Worry

I know worrying is counterproductive to anything we are pursuing and are believing for, but sometimes it’s just impossible NOT to have “spells” of worrying. We can apply “mind over matter” to the task of not worrying and boldly declare: “I will not worry. I will not worry.” But then, here it comes again —…

By Donna Wuerch November 14, 2018 Off

Pray the Alphabet

My son, a 26.2 mile marathon runner (45 of them now), runs without earbuds which, typically, provides for some distraction during a long endurance run. He is just “in the zone” when he runs. So, he got a kick out of me when I told him that when I go on a long run, I…

By Donna Wuerch May 18, 2016 Off

Blessings Through Raindrops

Day 154 of Photo Inspirations — Blessings Through Raindrops I turned on Pandora and this song by Mercy River was playing.   Oftentimes I listen to songs, but really don’t pay too much attention to the words.  But, this time, not only was I hearing the words as though they were straight from heaven, I…

By Donna Wuerch June 7, 2015 Off