When It Seems Impossible NOT to Worry

November 14, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

I know worrying is counterproductive to anything we are pursuing and are believing for, but sometimes it’s just impossible NOT to have “spells” of worrying. We can apply “mind over matter” to the task of not worrying and boldly declare: “I will not worry. I will not worry.” But then, here it comes again — those tinges of worry slip through the crack of our heart’s door.

Winston Churchill said, “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never.” That describes the enemy of our souls who doesn’t give up on creating anxiety and worry. I’ll never forget the woodpecker that caused us to worry about the side of our home being devoured by this beautiful, yet determined bird. I think Churchill’s quote was the rallying call for that woodpecker that decided the side of our home was perfect for his machine-gun beak exercises. I remember running out the door with a broomstick waving at him like a crazy lady. He’d fly away. Yay! Silence. For one whole minute. I would no sooner go back inside and he was back at it. I ran out the door again and he fluttered away to the neighbor’s fence. I knew he was smirking; I could feel it. By the time I was back inside, he was back at the siding, probably laughing. I don’t remember how we resolved our “bird” issues, but eventually, the machine-gun stopped.

This story, from well over 20 years ago, came flooding back to my memory when I heard someone telling about their own machine-gun woodpecker. Those woodpeckers reminded me of the worries that kept coming to my mind, usually in the middle of the night. The doubts and fears fluttered in, and I would fervently try to figure out a solution. It would be incessant, troubling and, burdensome — just like that annoying woodpecker. After hours of sleep deprivation, I’d remember: God is God, and I am not, which meant that I had a decision to make. I could continue to let that woodpecker AND my other many worries get to me or I could let go, and let God do what He is best at. What I’ve come to know is worrying gets us nowhere and gives us nothing but sleepless nights and destroys our peace of mind.

God’s Word says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Aw! Our best defense against annoying birds and circumstances that “drill” on our minds to steal sweet sleep from us, is praying and applying God’s Word to the situation. When we find the enemy drilling holes through constant worry, we can cover those vulnerable places with prayer and God’s Word, which redirects our thoughts and keeps us focused on Jesus. God promises that when we release our worries and turn instead to prayer, He will give us His peace that’s beyond anything we can understand. His peace will guard our hearts and minds against the anxieties that can be as persistent as that woodpecker. The woodpecker eventually went away which is a good reminder to be diligent in prayer and not let worries flutter back and nest in our heads.

Dear Lord, it’s so easy to fall into worry. When our fears and worries are drilling in our minds, help us to stop trying to fix everything ourselves. Please teach us to turn to You in prayer, trust You to be in charge and let Your peace reign over us. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.