Tag: smack talk

The Power of Words

New signs were placed on my grandson’s Regent’s baseball field backstop this year. I was pleased to see those words. They were placed on the visitor’s seating side and on our side. “WE ARE TO BE SALT AND LIGHT! Do not talk “at” or “about” other players, fans, officials, or parents!” The signs apparently made…

By Donna Wuerch May 9, 2023 Off

Words that Matter Most

Tuesday night was the season opener for my grandson’s baseball team. There have been plenty of pre-season games, but now we’re in the ones that matter most. Shawntel and I were present and ready to encourage with our positivity! I had on my Regent’s Knights team shirt and ready to cheer with the rest of…

By Donna Wuerch March 25, 2021 Off