Tag: social media

Technology ROCKS!!!

I get amused when I hear folks talking about the “good old days” when we could leave our doors unlocked, where the worst thing we did in schools was chew gum, where kids played outside using their imaginations, and gas was 23 cents a gallon (or less). But were the good old days — really…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 20, 2018 Off

Thinking Back and Looking Forward

It’s the 365th day of 2017. I made it!!! 365 days of posting a positive word for my FB friends and family. After all, there’s enough negativity in social media with politics (Phew – what a year that’s been!), the weather, the economy, the relationships or disappointments many vent about. Once upon a time, I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 31, 2017 Off

Bless Your Heart

I’m a Southern girl — born and raised by a Southern girl. My expression of “Southern girl” isn’t exclusive to Southern girls. I’m quite sure what I learned from my Mama, is still impressive and important for all of us girls — Southern or not. Manners matter and chivalry and respect shouldn’t be dead. I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 3, 2017 Off

Thankful for the Good New Days

Day 183 of Photo Inspirations – Thankful for the Good New Days The good ole’ days had its charm, but I’m so thankful for these good new days.  I know I’m dating myself, but I was there when we used manual typewriters and carbon paper for copies. We put the paper between the paper table…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 6, 2015 Off

To Nana From Lexi

Day 171 of Photos Inspirations — To Nana From Lexi Returning home after a week away, I went to my desk and found this envelope with big letters: QUOTES — OPEN AFTER Nationals — To Nana From Lexi. She had been here for a couple of days before heading to Nationals in MN.  She loves…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 25, 2015 Off