Where is YOUR Sweet Spot?
A few days ago, I wrote about my “sanctuary” where I find sweet peace and rest. That’s my “sweet spot”. Jesus said to His disciples “Come away with me and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31). Did you know when all around us seems to be chaos that we can “Lie down in green pastures so our…
TAKE Courage
Daily, I TAKE a good number of vitamins and supplements. I also TAKE myself to the Fitness area to stretch and make use of the equipment there. That’s for this “young body”, but what do I TAKE for my mental and soul well-being? This blog was spurred on when I responded to a friend’s private…
What is Your Sweet Spot?
“I would appreciate any positive prayers or scripture verses you could send my way.” Those were the words that I saw on a friend’s Facebook post yesterday. This sweet gal has had some very rough times, so I was quick to give her a couple of my favorite scriptures and a prayer, but when I…
Stuck in the MIDDLE?
The MIDDLE: the center, an equal distance from the extremities of something; halfway, a position at an equal distance from the sides, edges or ends. The middle child. The one in the middle of a circle. The piano’s middle “C”. The middle of the night. I know what being stuck in the MIDDLE is all…
Playing the “Waiting” Game!
Waiting on a traffic light….what seems forever! Waiting for a doctor appointment….. what seems beyond usual. Waiting in what we thought was the fastest line at the grocery store…..only to realize THAT was the slowest line. It is inevitable that we will spend a great deal of time in this life…..waiting. Lines at the airport,…