Tag: thanksgiving

When Gratitude Isn’t Easy

Our dear friend, Zig Ziglar, said this famous quote: “Your gratitude attitude determines your life altitude”. And it is true. How many times have I caught myself in stinkin’ thinkin’ about something I wanted and couldn’t have or something I didn’t want but had it? I sincerely desire to be a 24/7 optimistic woman who…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 15, 2023 Off

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

I’m revving my engine — mentally and physically. My personal, physical engine had a routine colonoscopy yesterday! I kept thinking while I was surviving all the prep work: “How could I have scheduled this procedure at this time of year?” “Wow! Let’s get another colonoscopy next week!” – said no one EVER! For goodness sakes…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 11, 2023 Off

Thanks to our Heroes of Faith

In my blog yesterday, I spoke about the holy and faithful ones that the Apostle Paul wrote to in his letter to the Colossians. I should have added to that blog “Happy November”and “Happy All Saints Day! What a great start to this beautiful “Thanksgiving” month with talking about our HEROES of faith! All Saints…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 2, 2023 Off

Living – Laughing – Loving

I am in my sweet spot. I have all my family together here in Austin, and if that weren’t enough, Shawntel’s family is here too! I said, yesterday, that my blogs about graduation had come to an end since Brennan’s graduation commencement was last night. Today I am talking about the aftermath of graduation! The…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 27, 2023 Off

Which Holiday is God’s Favorite?

Surely, it’s when He sent His Son to earth because His long-term plan for our destiny depended on it. So, it must be Christmas. Or is it Easter/Resurrection Sunday when His Son rose from the grave? I’m giving it some second thoughts. Especially, as we sat around our Thanksgiving table declaring our gratitude for all…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 28, 2022 Off

Thankful is an Understatement

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for YOU, my beloved family and friends who are ever-afters. What are “ever-afters”? Those are the ones who aren’t with us for just a day, just a reason, or just a season. Ever-afters are those who we grab their hand and shoulder-to-shoulder, heart to heart live our lives with…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 24, 2022 Off

Let the Dead Leaves Fall

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!I decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving — mainly because I would soon head out for East Texas for our family celebrations. I wanted my Christmas décor out and displayed when I arrived back home. I clearly didn’t skip over Fall because I saw it in all its glory yesterday as I made my…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 23, 2022 Off