Tag: value

I am Amazed

I’ve seen way too much evidence that God is NOT dead, and He sees me right where I am today, and I know His love for me is vast. I’ve experienced way too many of God’s blessings, and I know they didn’t come to me by happenstance or coincidence. I’ve been loved so much that…

By Donna Wuerch September 19, 2023 Off

Our Words Matter

Our words matter, but does the word, floccinaucinihilipilification, one of the longest words in the dictionary, really matter? I can’t say that I’ll ever use it in a talk, but it sure did bring me inspiration for today’s blog. It came up randomly in a pop-up advertisement and intrigued me enough to look up its…

By Donna Wuerch March 10, 2023 Off

I See You

This first photo memory is of my son watching his 9-year-old boy, Ryan has rarely missed a game in the eight years since then. He continues to watch his 17-year-old son and taking videos and photos when he is pitching or batting. Ryan has no shame in jumping up in front of the spectators to…

By Donna Wuerch March 31, 2022 Off