This Painting is Worth the Search

This Painting is Worth the Search

September 2, 2020 Off By Donna Wuerch

I spotted this painting in Larry’s office. It’s considered a treasure to he and Staci because Payton, their son, painted it for them years ago. In terms of value in dollars and cents, it might not have a high sticker price at the At Home store. But in terms of value in sentiment – priceless.

When Staci and Larry moved into their new town-home here in Frisco Square, Staci and I were on a mission to find items like accent pillows and rugs that would pull the living area together. This painting had the exact colors in it that we were looking for. We headed to the At Home store to find our accessories, toting the painting with us. I put the painting in the shopping cart and we began our search. Before long, we had what we needed, made our purchases and headed back to their home.

The next day, my lightning-fast mind didn’t remember the painting coming out of the car with our purchases. I realized that I must have left the painting in the shopping cart. I called the store and inquired about the painting. No one had seen it, but promised they’d watch for it. Mind you – it is on a canvas, very similar to their paintings. I couldn’t wait. I headed to the store — spoke to a manager, but it had not shown up. Now, I was in high-energy prayer-mode. What is lost — must be found! I saw a young man stocking in that area and asked if he had seen it. He said “No, ma’am, but if someone found it without a price on it and took it to check-out, they would probably set a price for it.” That was no comfort at all. Isn’t that just like the enemy who makes us quit believing – to come up with reasons that a relationship can’t be restored or keys or a precious treasure can’t be found?

I would not be denied. I slowly paced up and down the aisles – looking in all the stacks of canvas paintings, and if you know the At Home store, you know they have hundreds and hundreds of paintings. Now, I’m praying in my heavenly prayer language (tongues) – yes, I’m bilingual AND in English. I am interceding and I’m asking all my heavenly support team to intercede for divine intervention with me! God knew right where that painting was and I would not relent. After more than an hour of flipping through paintings, tightly squeezed in between two larger paintings was Payton’s painting. My heart was overcome with gratitude – so much so that tears began to flow. My young store clerk saw me and rejoiced with me. He took this photo that you can see my red, tear-stained face! Oh, happy day!

What once was lost – now was found. Like I said – the price tag would not have been very high to someone else – but it was priceless for us. Did you know that is how priceless we are to God? He paid a great price to redeem mankind. We use the term “priceless” today to illustrate that there is no amount of money on earth that could buy or purchase something “priceless.” And, all the wealth of the earth couldn’t purchase man’s redemption. It took something of far greater value to pay the price, so God sent the most valuable and precious gift He had, to pay the price for our salvation and that was His dear Son, Jesus. So, in God’s eyes we are “priceless.” Nothing on earth could purchase us but the value God saw in His Son is the value He sees in us. Thank you, Lord, for the incomparable price you paid for us. And, as for you and me, our Lord calls us “priceless” too, so we should start treating ourselves and others as treasures — like God does!”For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:20