Learning to Dance — Whatever the Weather
This is the season when I go to my trusty cellphone to check what the weather will look like today and even the days to come. We must do that if we’re planning a trip or just wondering whether we need to take a sweater or parka with us. I brought it all on this…
Happy First Day of Fall – September 22nd
Hooray! My favorite season begins today. I just wish Mother Nature would keep up with the date, because it’s still in the upper 90s here in Austin. Word has it that we’ll get to three digits again in a few days! They call it “global warming”! Whoohoo! I know the heat waves will subside before…
Just Thinkin’ About Tomorrow
It is 5:15 am and I am pedaling with a vengeance on the stationary bike in our fitness center. In front of the bike is a large window that I see the reflection of the large TV screen behind me. The weather is on. My eyes deceive me. I see the temperatures as 59, 69,…
In a Moment – In the Twinkling of an Eye
That title is a scriptural reference that refers to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:52) I plan on being one of that number. That glorious day…
We Can Choose to be the Storm or the Eye of the Storm
The eye of the storm is that still, calm place in the middle of a storm. We may think we’ve been in a storm for some time now with the fierce intensity of the pandemic and the political and racial issues and now Hurricane Isaias has prompted warnings in the Bahamas and parts of Florida.…
Weathering the Storm
We’re stoked about the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon being given by the downtown Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital which includes our North location volunteers. It’s going to be a great way to spend a Saturday with some other volunteers going with me. We are decked out in our 50s and 60s outfits because, after all, a prize…
Learning to Dance — Whatever the Weather
Within 12 hours our temperature dropped 30 degrees. I was still surprised yesterday when I left my warm garage wearing a light jacket and when I exited my car a few minutes later, I shouted “Holy Tundra!” It felt like I walked into a freezer blowing icy winds. Burrrr! I received a text message from…
It’s Inevitable – Storms Will Come
It’s Inevitable – Storms Will Come Storm: a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow; tempest, squall, trouble, controversy, unsettledness Just this week, while outdoors in extremely gusting winds, my friend expressed concern about our weather. She was from the North and moving to Texas was already…
We Can Do This!
There’s a lot of folks out there complaining about the weather, the economy, the government, their job, their co-workers, their spouses, their children or their neighbor. And, then there are folks who are always optimistic, “can-do”, undaunted in their attitude to win, and whether the sun is out — or hiding behind a cloud —…
You’re My Sunshine — Even When it Rains
I’ve thought about the positive impact that some special people have had in my life (you know who you are), and just by watching you and being around you, I feel energized. Your spirit of encouragement is contagious. I can’t be down in your presence because you are such a light — your glow rubs…