Take the Leap of Faith

January 15, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 14 of Photo Inspirations.
Today I went to see my little 18-month old great neice who is a “regular” at my mother-in-law’s every Monday.  I took this photo of her and her Gamma, my sister-in-law.  This little angel girl loves climbing and using her hands and body to learn all about this world around her.  She is completely unburdened by responsibilities, time and where to get her next meal.   She lives in a world of wonder, awe and joy.  Okay — so I’m a little biased, but I think this little angel girl is amazing and is super fearless.  You can tell in these photos that she is so secure in knowing that her Gamma will catch her.

She was performing for me today — yes, she is also quite the entertainer.  When I saw how absolutely confident she was in climbing the stool (apparatus — LOL) and jumping into her Gamma’s arms, I thought about that total confidence she had in the one who loves her so much.

Along the way, it is just expected that she will lose that sense of security and confidence. But, she doesn’t have to — and neither do our children.  It’s up to you and me to be truly fearless leaders, because we have total confidence in the ONE Who is always there to lead, guide and protect us.  And, one of the most effective ways of teaching our kids is to lead by example. Our children look up to us and mimic the behaviors they see in us — their parents and grandparents.  If they see us happy, comfortable and at peace, they will have a sense of security, confidence and peace.

If  we live our lives fearless, our kids will see that and it will serve as a powerful lesson for the people they will become.   It’s up to us to be sure we live it wherever we go — at work, at home, at their school — and when they see the confidence we exude, they’ll follow our lead.

And, by the way, in case you, yourself, aren’t that fearless leader today,  at least strive to raise fearless kids, because in the process, you will perfect and refine your own journey toward fearlessness.  This job of parenting is as much about our growth as much as it is for our children.  As we teach, we learn.  And there’s no richer or rewarding path than to be fearless ourselves.  So, let’s go ahead and mount that apparatus or circumstance or situation…..and TAKE A LEAP of faith.
#LeapOfFaith #Fearless