The Cross is the Difference-Maker

The Cross is the Difference-Maker

October 3, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch Noble

It’s no secret that I keep my eyes and ears wide open for God-ideas that give me content for my daily blogs. And, that content comes from various places — a scripture reading, while praying, while scrolling through my social media platforms, while being out and about in a foreign country or in my community, something a friend said or just a random thought. And you know what? When I seek, I find Him!

Today, my thoughts are about the cross I am wearing. It’s not a lucky charm by no means. Luck just isn’t in the equation of God’s daily blessings to His kids. But the cross is a difference maker. When we grasp the power of our risen Savior, the cross becomes a symbol of eternal life because of the price that was paid on the cross.

I know there isn’t power in the cross perse’ unless we believe in the ONE, Jesus Christ and what He did ON the cross. What He did in giving His life as a ransom for us is the power behind our faith.

Isn’t it encouraging when we see high profile people – celebrities, newscasters, and politicians, etc., wearing a cross around their neck? I am a noticer, and I notice it. I don’t pretend to know they are a follower of Jesus, but I do surmise that they are proud of wearing the symbol that changed everything about our lives here on earth and in heaven!

I see a cross and I am reminded of the price that was paid for me. I tend to have an eye-opening experience when I see one. It’s like the scripture, Jeremiah 29:13 – “But God said: “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Of course, the greatest symbol of God’s love for mankind is the cross. I love seeing that reminder. And isn’t that what that scripture means? “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart.”

He is just a thought away, a prayer away, and a cross away. How I thank Him for the cross and how I thank Him for the reminder of His love for me!

God is here, there, and everywhere! Let’s keep our eyes wide open! You might just have a holy moment that assures you of God’s presence with you right here and now, too!