The Star of Bethlehem

July 2, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 178 of Photo Inspirations – The Star of Bethlehem
Yes, I was inspired last night when I looked to the West and saw what I had heard about earlier in the day.  The planets, Jupiter and Venus, merged into what is known as a SUPER STAR.  That puts a whole new meaning into Super Star, doesn’t it?

And here’s the backdrop to this rare occurrence.  Scientists suggest that this rare merging of Venus and Jupiter may have been known as the “Star of Bethlehem” 3-2 BC, and  since then,  there hasn’t been a brighter, closer planetary conjunction. That means that this is the first opportunity of seeing it so clear for 2,000 years!

Jupiter and Venus are the two brightest planets.  Last night Jupiter passed directly above Venus.  It was definitely worth the trip outside to take a look at this rare sight.

Psalm 19:1 says “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”  Of course, this would be my photo inspiration for today.  It was an astounding confirmation of what has been told for years.  There WAS a STAR of Bethlehem.  Once again, TRUTH is being revealed.  I mentioned a couple of weeks ago the interview I had with Minnesota House of Representative, Cindy Pugh.  I asked her the question “How can we assist our legislators?”  Her response:  “Pray.  Pray for truth to be revealed.  What we should be doing right now is doing our best to expose the truth. And truth is being revealed and exposing itself day by day.”

The Star of Bethlehem was a miraculous symbol of the birth of Jesus – not just an astronomical event.  The Star of Bethlehem led the Magi to find their way to the Christ child which led the world to the welcoming of our Savior.  Yesterday, and the days before this rare occurrence, news reporters were talking about the Jupiter and Venus alignment, but I loved how those reporters included “The Star of Bethlehem” when they talked about it.    It’s just another one of those times that we can BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS God – the God of the Universe.  He planned it.  He made it.  He reveals to us THE TRUTH.  May THE SUPER STAR of Bethlehem lead YOU to the truth today.