These Shoes Feel Like Slippers

These Shoes Feel Like Slippers

August 1, 2019 Off By Donna Wuerch

DSW Shoes sent me an email with the subject line: “These Shoes Feel Like Slippers!” I know advertising ploys and that one was supposed to entice me to check out that ad, but sorry, DSW! I wasn’t tempted. But, thank you, DSW, because you gave me food for thought for this blog today.

Pictured here are a gal’s absolute verification that “these shoes feel like slippers”. Several pairs seem to be worn out. The top two pair are newer – barely worn at all. The “worn-out” ones are symbols of guaranteed comfort and healing to my feet. From the wear and tear, you can see that I live in them when I’m not out and about. I know this brand of shoes was God’s provision for healing as an answer to my prayers. And, though many of them look quite shabby, they still have the structure that keeps my feet supported. I can’t bring myself to throw any away.

In the words of the great philosopher, Marilyn Monroe: “Give a gal the right shoes and she can conquer the world”. That quote, and, especially that adorable little girl prancing around in her mama’s shoes brings a smile to my face. Little girls just want to be like their mamas. But, there’s something about us BIG girls who want to be like someone else, too! We want to “feel” like we’re wearing slippers – perhaps Cinderella’s glass slippers. Maybe it’s because of who they’re married to, or how wealthy they are, or how beautiful they are, or how smart they are, or what a bubbly, outgoing personality they have.

But, RIP, Marilyn Monroe, who didn’t realize that God did GIVE us gals the RIGHT shoes, and we, not only CAN, but we ARE conquering the world. The RIGHT shoes to be in, are the ones that God created just for us to wear.

You and I are unique, one-of-a-kind, specially handcrafted originals. Before we were ever conceived, God had a plan and purpose that only we can fulfill (Jeremiah 1:5). We don’t have to try to fit into someone else’s shoes (or try to be like them or look like them). Remember the wicked stepsisters of Cinderella trying to fit into Cinderella’s shoes, and they just couldn’t? That’s because they were trying to BE Cinderella. It didn’t work for them and it doesn’t work for us either.

We just simply must walk in the “designer” shoes that God made just for us. That’s what I do with my comfy, cozy, healing slippers. Once, I wore 3” heels – had every color and style imaginable. Oh, yes – I can verify that I had plenty of shoes – so much so that I received the Imelda Marcus Shoe Award (note the hair and shoe award photo here)! I no longer wear those shoes. It was a season. I’m in a new season now with different slippers – ones that God gave me to wear – and I own it. I was conquering the world in those 3” heels in MY season and now I’m conquering the world in these built-for-me slippers today.

Actually, it’s not at all about the shoes but about the men and women that God destined us to be, to show up when He calls us for duty – and whether that duty is on a computer writing a blog to encourage and motivate someone to live in audacious faith, behind a receptionist desk being a light to all she or he encounters, a nurse with loving hands and heart ministering to those in her or his care, those on a telephone bringing awesomeness to someone who needs an uplifting word, one on an airplane telling someone about God’s great love, or in front of a kitchen stove preparing a meal based on love and devotion to their family, or walking outside and embracing the One Who created it all – let’s go right on today, in our specially designed – one-of-a-kind shoes and conquer and change the world.

“Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of peace with God.” Ephesians 6:15