They are Looney Tunes

They are Looney Tunes

April 27, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

Remember those wacky, wild, half-witted Looney Tunes characters? We laughed at their shenanigans. Today those Looney Tunes have been replaced with high tech animation that look like real people.

I am fondly remembering the Looney Tunes aka people who seem a little cray cray because they are waving their “Jesus saves” or “You Matter” signs like Christina is holding or “Be the Light” sign that I’m holding on a Frisco, TX street corner.

We tend to associate these folks with being way-too-overzealous. We are the ones who shout out “Praise the Lord!” when we hear about someone that was healed or a big check came in the mail.

We are the ones that call attending church and small groups and Bible studies as a fun night out! What people don’t know is we are happy because we have experienced God’s joy, peace and love. We have had prayers answered and our lives have been transformed.

My daughter can be seen as a Looney Tune because her eyes are always open for someone to encourage and bring hope to their life. Her line is usually “Is there something I can pray with you about?” And, most people are quick to say “yes”. Seriously, I want to be more like her letting my little light shine and being bold, unafraid and unconcerned about what people think.

What causes some folks to live with such unabandoned devotion to God? We know. They were lost and now they’re found. They were on their death bed and now they’re healed. They were once lonely. Now they know they are loved and cared for by God. They were once alcoholics or drug addicts. Now they’re free. They were once homeless. Now they have a home, a job, and a family and friends.

We are in good company with Noah. He was a Looney Tune to those watching him build the ark when it had never rained before. And, here we are in this 21st Century. We have become fanatical in our faith and devotion to God, so much so that we wear “Victory in Jesus” t-shirts or other slogans that reference God.

We are those people who show sincere love for our Country. We defend the unborn. We are those Looney Tunes who attend church regularly, read our Bibles, and share God’s good news everywhere.

We are those who have trusted God in the storms of life and we came through it all. Maybe it’s the people who don’t trust in God that are the real “Looney Tunes”. Maybe people who never take a risk, never face their fears, and those who don’t know how to dance in the storms are the real “Looney Tunes”.

Honestly, there are days that I am so overjoyed by the blessings that come my way, and sheer delight in my relationship with God — that I could be a wild and wacky Looney Tune.

Let’s own up to being a Looney Tune for God. After all, we’re in good company with Jesus. No need to be concerned. God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.

Now from Looney Tunes’ Porky Pig: “Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th… That’s all, folks!”