This is the Way I Start My Day

February 1, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 24 of Photo Inspirations:  “Lord, in the morning you hear my voice. In the morning I pray to you. I wait for you in hope.” Psalm 5:3

This is the way I start my day.  One of the things I love about the chilly winter weather are my mornings before the fireplace, nestled in a blanket and spending time with my CEO and Father.   It’s our secret place, just Him and me.  That’s where I get “inside” information from Him that keeps me above the fray in my day.

But, I’ll admit, my mind wanders and it’s easy to get distracted there, too.  I have to keep reeling myself back in — the duties and responsibilities of my day (my “to do” lists) try to invade this privacy.   But the point is, I’m sitting in the very presence of my CEO and Father.  He deserves my undivided attention.   Although my eyes cannot visibly see Him, I picture Him being here, bending close to hear my every word and know my every thought.  I sense Him holding my face and lifting it heavenward.  He cradles me in His arms.  I’ll admit it’s difficult to fathom that the God of the universe, who holds the entire world in His hands, has time to hear my little prayers. But not only does He have the time, He calls us to come to Him. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”.

I know  many of you whose day starts with a bang and you have to hit the ground running — breakfasts to make, kids to get off to school, chores and all kinds of activities await you.  But, I promise, even if it’s for just 5 minutes… spend a little “HIM and me” time, it will make such a difference as you create the atmosphere of His peace and joy in your home and day.  You’ll set the tone for your entire family  and even your workplace as you exude His energy, His love, His peace, His can-do attitude — all just because you checked in with Him — got the download of what you’ll need for that day….early in the morning.
#SecretPlace #CEOMeeting #FatherKnowsBest