Time to be an EMPTY NESTER!

July 3, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 180 of Photo Inspirations — Time to be an EMPTY NESTER!
Two weeks ago I told you about a beautiful cardinal perched on my fence and was inspired that he came to bring me joy and excitement – my family was coming in town that night.  A week letter, I came home to find he was there for his own family.  A nest had been built in my crepe myrtle and it contained two itsy bitty cardinal babies. Daily, since then, I’ve gone to take a little peek of the little darlings.  It’s amazing how quickly they grew.  I knew this would be the week that they would be out on their own.  This first photo is day before yesterday when they were still cozy in the nest.

And yesterday, I saw Mr. Cardinal perched at the very top of this tree – almost in glorious pride shouting out….. “My babies have left the nest!”  The next photo is Mrs. Cardinal on the column with baby cardinal on the ground fledgling around.  It wasn’t long before the twins had taken flight.  And all that’s left is this last photo taken today …… of the empty nest.  I’m quite sure that Mr. Cardinal is strutting around, beak and head crest held high, giving high fives to Mrs. Cardinal and shouting to the world, in the words of Dora the Explorer… “We did it! We did it!”

I’ve been amazed as I watched the instincts of these birds. And, while those instincts are given to them at birth, it took encouragement and motivation by Mom & Dad Cardinal to help them reach their full potential to spread their wings and fly.   It’s increible how quickly these little birds went from ibeing inside of an egg, to emerging as little birds and being fed by their parents, and then being encouraged to jump from the nest and now flying — especially when we consider us.  It takes 18+ years for our kids to take flight.

Do you remember bringing your new baby home from the hospital?  I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I kept checking to see if he was breathing. We made it through those days to sheer joy as we watched his many “firsts”– his first smile, his first laugh-out-loud, his first time to rollover, the first time he sat up, the first time he crawled and the first time he walked.

Remember walking?   My husband would be on one side holding him up, while I stood across from him — holding out my arms with a toy or food to motivate him to step out on his own.  It didn’t work the first time.  He’d fall down, and Daddy would help him up again, and with the same process over and over again, our little guy eventually ventured across to me.  That’s what the Mama bird did.  That little baby bird had to be coaxed to leave the nest – and it was probably for food.  Mama bird probably withheld food from him, and He was hungry and he knew he had to leave the nest to get it.  I watched those little birds fledgling around and soon the whole family had taken wing and flown away.

I could compare this all to those Moms and Dads who are going through the challenging “empty nest syndromes”.  You may be taking your baby to pre-school for the first time this year and there are those who will be taking your baby to college for the first time this year.  Yes, probably there will be tears – whether it is pre-school or college, but, oh, such good tears.  Tears of the memories of the first steps, the first camp-out, the first time they drove, the first girl or boy friend…..and now the first time out on their own.  You’ve done what you were created to do…..bring those precious babies into this world, encourage them to grow up and encourage them to leave the nest.  It’s the cycle of life – and you are equipped to handle it – so much so that you can sing along with Dora the Explorer, too.  Go ahead – give your spouse and friends and family big High 5’s and pat yourselves on the back and say “We did it!  We did it!”