Transforming the Motley Crew into World Changers

Transforming the Motley Crew into World Changers

May 9, 2024 0 By Donna Wuerch

Today, May 9th, the 40 days since Easter have all passed and today we celebrate our Lord’s ascension into heaven where He sits now at the right hand of the Father.  AND, more than that – He also lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit – right here and right now!

Picture this: a motley crew of ordinary individuals, flawed and imperfect, yet chosen by Jesus to carry out His mission on earth. Among them, Peter, the impulsive fisherman who walked on water by faith but faltered in doubt. There’s Matthew, the dishonest tax collector, and Thomas, forever remembered as “doubting Thomas.” But their stories didn’t end in failure; rather, they were transformed by the power of Christ.

Fast forward 2,000 years, and here we are, heirs to their legacy and recipients of the same call to change the world. In a modern twist, imagine Jesus pointing His finger at you and me, calling us to rise above our hang-ups, fears, and doubts, just as He did with His disciples.

Amid our imperfections, the transforming power of Christ can turn us from members of the Motley Crew into dynamic and devoted followers of Christ. Like Peter, Matthew, Thomas, and countless others throughout history, we are called to heed the call and be world changers in our own right.

Perhaps that’s why we find ourselves here, in this moment, tasked with carrying on the message of hope and redemption. Each of us has a unique role to play in advancing the kingdom of God and bringing about His purposes on earth.

So, let’s embrace the challenge with courage and conviction, knowing that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead resides within us. Let’s step out in faith, leaving behind our doubts and fears, and boldly proclaim the transformative message of the gospel to a world in need.

Just as the disciples changed the world through their obedience and faithfulness, so too can we make a lasting impact on those around us. Let’s rise to the occasion and embrace our calling as world changers, empowered by the love and grace of our risen Savior.

As we commemorate the Ascension of Jesus Christ, let’s remember that His departure marked the beginning of a new chapter in the redemption story—one in which we play an integral part. May we be inspired by the example of the disciples and the promise of Christ’s return, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Together, let’s heed the call to change the world and make a difference for the glory of God. The adventure awaits—let’s rise to meet it with faith and courage.