Unlimited Possibilities

May 17, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

This sweet boy is my godson, Owen, and to say I’m blessed to have him in my life puts it mildly. Last night, at Zarrow International School (Spanish immersion), he promoted from elementary school to middle school, and I was thrilled to be there for the celebrations and recognitions.

He won first place in fifth graders in Math and first place in Social Studies. Since Zarrow is a Spanish immersion school, the work the kids do is mostly all in Spanish, so was I ever impressed that Owen did so well.

Standing under their school’s motto: “One Child, Two Languages — Unlimited Possibilities”, I thought “They have no idea how right on those words are, when it comes to our Owen.”

Sitting with his Mom, Dad and siblings (who I adore also), were Owen’s grandmother and I. I couldn’t help but tear up with thanksgiving, at where Owen is today, compared to the rough start he had in life, 11-1/2 years ago. I took a photo of him and his grandmother and texted it to her. Immediately, I thought about the conversations she and I had when Owen was first born. He was a very sick baby with several complications. He remained in neonatal ICU for quite some time. When I couldn’t get hold of his Mom and Dad because their hands were so full, I would often call or text her. Last night she and I embraced and talked about that, and together, we thanked and praised God for our very smart, strong and healthy boy today. Yes, God answers prayer.

We fell in love with that little guy several years ago and my love for him has only grown through the years. Every time we’re together in church he sits beside me, wraps his arms around me and whispers “I love you so much!” I love to think that my Honey in heaven is sending his love to me through Owen to pass on to me. I feel it every time I see him.

“Unlimited possibilities” — that’s who we all are as children of God, because “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!”