Welcome to the World – Our New Baby Foal!

November 12, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

There is nothing to compare with the joys of new life – of a baby – and, in my grandson’s opinion – a donkey baby (foal). What the family didn’t know when they added two little miniature donkeys, Firecracker and Molly Grace, to their family in January, that one of them could be “expecting”. They only hoped that there would be an addition to the family sometime in the future.

As the days went by, it looked like Firecracker’s middle was growing bigger and bigger. Last month, while I was there, a vet came out and assured us, that a baby foal was on the way and could be here anytime from then to December.

Friday night, Shawntel and Bryson went out to check on the donkeys and they could only see Molly Grace (the other donkey) by herself and she was loudly hee-hawing. It was like she was calling for help and it wasn’t like her at all to be away from Firecracker. They are always side by side. Then they saw Firecracker and another little shadow, and there was our new baby – all legs and ears and as Shawntel put it, that “he’ll have to grow into”. There was no rushing Firecracker to do anything she wasn’t ready to do – her baby’s debut came when the natural process of birthing was ready. Oh, the miracle of God’s creation.

My first thought, when I saw the photos yesterday morning, “How in the world was that big baby in that tiny mama, and how in the world did she deliver that baby all on her own?” Again, oh, the wonders of God’s creation. Needless to say, there is joy and celebration in the Wuerch household. Baby immediately knew where to go for nourishment. The family gathered up the baby with mama and put them in the barn for safe-keeping.

Yesterday morning, in the light of day, the family Face-Timed me and I was able to see my new little grand-donkey firsthand. Witnessing Bryson cuddling and loving him brought such joy to my heart. What a wonderful birthday present for Bryson – he turns 11 this Friday, on November 17th.

There are few things in life that are as sweet as a birth. We ooh and aww at newborn babies – both human and animal life. We recognize the miracle of birth and as those little ones grow up, they’ll soon crawl and before long, they’ll walk. Not to be a boasting Nana, but DID YOU NOTICE my little pride and joy, grand-donkey was already walking at one hour of life? How’s that for something to talk about? LOL! What a glorious job God does with His creation.

That little Mama donkey has such love and care for her baby. She nudges him along ever so gently. There’s so much we can learn from the animal kingdom. I’m quite sure they are closer to God than we give them credit for. We like to think that our ability to feel and understand emotions is unparalleled, but watching God’s timing of the seasons, the instincts of animals and other creatures, I’ve come to realize His perfect plan for everything gives us a sense of confidence and peace that all things will work out in our lives.

I’ve watched Bryson and his love for his animals and have been so impressed with his understanding of responsibility and accountability. Not only have his animals taught him to be compassionate, but it has had such a direct effect on who he is as such a sweet, caring, compassionate, and tender-hearted boy. I tell him often, “You are going to be such a great daddy someday!” And, I know he will. In the meantime, Bryson will continue to grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man……and all of his animal kingdom friends.