We’ve Been Entrusted
Entrusted – I saw that word in an email yesterday morning. It motivated me to blog about it. To entrust is to give someone a responsibility that we assume they will fulfill. If we entrust someone with the task of getting us to an appointment on time, we best make sure they are punctual. Entrusting is also letting someone take care of something for us because we believe they will protect it.
As a 12-year-old, I must have been mature enough and entrusted enough to take care of a doctor’s 4-year-old and 3-month old children. They lived across the street from us. Fifty cents an hour was the pay. I thought “pay dirt” (wealth and success)!
They could “entrust” their precious ones to me because right across the street from them is where we lived. My mom was on call-of-duty if I needed her. I called her often!
And I believe we all have been entrusted by God. To entrust means that God believes in us so much, that He trusts that we can receive the gift – the gift of ourselves.
God has entrusted us with giving oversight to our abilities, our bodies, our voices, talents, the fruit of the Spirit, the fortitude and determination to be successful. We are the guardians of our gifts. I believe that I have been “entrusted” today with reminding you that our Heavenly Father believes YOU ARE CAPABLE! You are “entrustable”!
What has God entrusted us with? Plenty, as it turns out. We are to blossom where we are planted. We are to be His hands extended to build up and encourage others. Entrustment is our responsibility. We have faith in God, and He has faith in us!
“Just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak not to please man, but to please God, Who tests our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Wow! What a verse! What a statement! “ENTRUSTED with the Gospel – the Good News!” God has seen fit for you and me to be ENTRUSTED with the Good News, too! What trust we have been given!
Still during these 40 days before Jesus ascended to heaven, we read how He continually “schooled” His disciples. After those three years together, He entrusted His message to them. Then He left for heaven. Mission accomplished.
The rest of the story is history and countless millions have followed that small band of deeply discipled believers who were entrusted to carry on spreading the Good News. We are their recipients! We are their protégés.
Dear Lord, thank you for trusting us and entrusting us with being “Good News” spreaders, too!