We’ve Only Just Begun

January 8, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch
That was one of our favorite songs (released in
1970) by The Carpenters.  The characters
in the song were a couple, just married, and were looking forward to new
horizons, new roads to choose, with so much life ahead of them.  We sang that song completely unaware of what
lie ahead….but as long as we were together, side by side, we just knew we’d
make it through each and every bump in the road that we might encounter.  Seems like unrealistic thinking, but it is
the ONLY way to live – believing and always hoping for the best, but just in
case the worst might come, we’d be able to handle it together.   That’s
because we placed our hope and trust in the ONE who had already prepared the
way for us.
We’re one week into this new year and doesn’t
the start of a new year make us feel the same way…a certain excitement about
the possibilities that are out there for us?    We may reflect on the past, but no longer do
we dwell there, because we certainly can’t change the past.  Looking through the rear view mirror is no
option.  I mentioned a couple of months
ago that for five years I had “Run for Ron” in the Route 66 Marathon, but this
Route 66, while I was running, I clearly got the message “There’s no need to be
running for Ron any longer.  He’s doing
just fine running on his own.  It’s time
to run your own race – run strong for Donna.” 
I got it.  I had been faithful to
keep the past in my present long enough. 
I was turning a page in my story. 
I knew that I was supposed write some new stories and a new
chapter.   It was time so BEGIN again with the
expectation of great adventures and unparalleled blessings up ahead.  But most importantly to write some new stories
that leave a legacy for those who are following me — a legacy of “I
can” and “I will”!!   
I’m already started on that new chapter, then
at the end of 2016….I’ll glance back at the victories won and the many, many
doors that opened up for me to great opportunities!  

Today, I close the door to the past, open the
door to the future, I take a deep breath, step on through and start a new
chapter of my life.  How about you?