What is Blocking Your View?

December 6, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch
IWhat is Blocking Your View?
If you’ve been a musician in an orchestra, you know that seeing the conductor throughout the symphony, is of paramount importance. That’s why you’ll notice that the placement of every chair is in direct eyes’ view of the one that is directing and leading the music. The conductor is responsible for the start of the symphony, setting the tempo, ensuring correct entries by various members of the orchestra and communicating to the musicians through hand and eye gestures.
The question is….who or what is blocking the view of YOUR Conductor? Maybe someone mistreated or spoke falsely about you. That one is all you can think about, so they are keeping you from seeing your Conductor. Maybe your children are blocking your view of the Conductor. Maybe your financial or health situation or the stress and press of the holidays are blocking your view. The point is – anything that keeps our eyes from seeing from first seeing our Conductor is what causes our faith to wane. The anxiety of our circumstances is what keep us from focusing on our Lord. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. When we keep our eyes on Him — He will handle the symphony of our lives.

When we focus on the ONE who said, “I am the LIGHT of the world, whoever follows ME, will NEVER walk in darkness” (John 8:12), then the darkness will diminish. As we’re drawn to focus on and spend time with the LIGHT, (our Conductor) and stay in fellowship with HIM, spending time in His Word, thinking about HIM — our Conductor and He Who knows everything about everything, the answers we need will come from Him. The divine set-ups and divine appointments and the divine “suddenlies” will start providing what we need. Our music will reflect His tempo, His starts and His finishes of our symphony.

Maybe it’s time to get a new seat in the orchestra — one that SEES our Conductor — His hand gestures and His eyes that are on us. His LIGHT shines so brightly and desires to dispel the darkness that is around us. I promise you, He is the most reliable Counselor, the most indescribable Prince of Peace and the ultimate source for restoring LIGHT to our world as the Conductor of our “unfinished” symphony!