What Storms Threaten Your Life Today? Praise Him in the Storm!

October 8, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

Here I am – comfy, cozy, warm, dry, safe and sound – while so many people on the East coast are reeling from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. More tornadoes, more surges of over 9 feet, power lines down and no power for hundreds of thousands of people. And then seeing the thousands of people in Haiti, who had so little in shelter and comfort anyway, who lost what little they had.

Living in Oklahoma, where tornadoes can be abundant and seeing the loss of homes, precious loved ones lost, and then the thought of rebuilding in those areas brings trepidation – “What if it comes again?”

Sincerely, our thoughts and prayers go out to anyone in harm’s way today – whether here, there, or in places and countries of turmoil and risking their lives on a daily basis. Our awareness of hurting people becomes even stronger in times like this. And our need to pray for their peace, comfort and resilience becomes heightened.

There will always be storms in our lives. It’s predictable – whether they are from the forces of natural disasters, those that come from raging battles and wars, or from those that come from the pain of broken relationships, disappointments or the discomfort of illness and loss of loved ones. But in all those storms, no matter what comes our way, there is only one Constant that can carry us through each and every storm. We can be hope-filled conquerors because our trust is in THE SON, Who is always shining in our lives.

Last night I watched a news report where a group of people in Nassau, Bahamas, with their church destroyed, still praising God in the middle of the storm. In my own life and those who put their trust in The Almighty…..know that homes can be rebuilt, healing will come to families and life will carry on once again, because we KNOW the Prince of Peace, who brings peace and comfort and joy once again. We will carry on — and we’ll even find the beauty that is found, even in tragedy. Yes, we may not know what our future holds…..but we do know, WHO holds our future.

Maybe life seems overwhelming to you today in the storms you may be in. I’ve been there….. and each time that I found myself in places like that, I found my answers, my peace and my comfort in the One who is the Rock, and I realize those overwhelming circumstances were ultimately for my good….because they drew me to the Source of answers, the stable foundation, my shelter and my SOLID ROCK. I urge you to go there for your place of refuge today In Jesus’ words to the tremendous storm where the disciples were reeling in fear and despair, we pray He speaks to the storms in our world today “Peace, be still”. In the meantime, let’s PRAISE HIM in the storm!