When We’re Afraid to Trust Him

December 20, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

You may have witnessed our “family” mishap a few weeks ago. Our “stud muffin” Buddy (The Wallace Family’s 75-pound Australian Shepherd) had a precious, equally beautiful, female Australian Shepherd come from Austin for a lovefest. In case you’re not following my delicate way of putting it, Moana’s master brought her to start a family of Australian Shepherd babies. Moana wasn’t so receptive to the plan and in an effort to give them “alone” time in the backyard, they escaped. Buddy didn’t go far, but Moana was on the run. Family and friends were on the hunt and as soon as someone got close to her, she ran from them – over and over again. Each time someone would call her name and go to help her, that little girl raced away. She was offered food and protection, but each time, afraid, not knowing that no one meant her harm, she would run and run.

She ran for the next 19 hours. Nineteen hours of fear. Nineteen hours afraid to accept food and help from strangers. Nineteen hours of living unprotected from the cold and feeling abandoned. We felt helpless when we went home at midnight to rest until sunrise when we could continue our search. Our hearts hurt for her and her master.

How often do we live this way, afraid to trust, refusing the assurance that God will shelter us, running from the safety of His protection? I sensed that from the homeless people we served last weekend. They were choosing to live on the streets, abusing their bodies and their souls as they continued to refuse to trust when the assurance that God’s arms are open wide to protect them and to give them a place of refuge, if only they would submit to His call. He who says, “Peace, be still,” and calms the waters can surely calm them, too! He offers more than food and blankets and the comfort of a safe place to live. He offers Himself, all that they need. The God of the universe woos them with His perfect love and there is no need to be afraid.

Perhaps you are living like this little dog or the homeless people who are refusing the help that God offers to us through His Word and even Godly brothers and sisters who are reaching out as the hands and feet of Jesus. Psalm 37:40 says “The LORD helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they take refuge in Him.”

I wish this story had a happy ending that she finally gave in and responded to our calls. But after 19 hours of searching, praying and calling out her name, we received the call that she had been hit by a car and was rushed by a witness to a nearby emergency animal hospital. Moana was seriously injured in her pelvic area, but her vital organs were good. After two major surgeries, in a walk-a-bout harness (unable to put pressure on her legs for several weeks) Moana returned home. Her healing will come, but it will take time. The upside of this story is Moana’s master came into a beautiful relationship with Christ in the process of this story. “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28

Oh, that those of us who are like Moana, afraid to trust, would come to know our God, in Whom we trust! “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will direct your steps.” Proverbs 3:5-6

This Christmas and always, God is offering Himself, all that we need, to us today. That’s why we celebrate Christ’s birth. The angels said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid!” We have nothing to fear because He is on our side. Won’t you respond to His call today? He has such great plans for you and your future!