Who Do You Run to When You Need a Friend?

December 7, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Today’s inspiration for this blog came from the graphic posted by my friend, Michael Beaudoin. Thank you, Michael! “The first one to recognize Jesus was an unborn child.” Here’s what that line means:

Mary had just heard from Gabriel that she was going to give birth to the Son of God. Did you catch that? She was going to give birth to the “Holy, Son of God”!!! I’m not using that as slang! I’m just saying that a young peasant girl received the announcement that she was going to give birth WITHOUT relations with a man, and the clincher is: THAT baby is the Son of God! Then…. what’s a girl to do? Stay in the spot and wonder “How can this be?” “How will Joseph take this news?” “What will the neighbors think?” “What about my wedding and my wedding dress and all the plans I’ve made?” We don’t read any such questions, though she may have had them running through her mind. She simply responded to Gabriel’s message: “Yes. Be it unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

Back to that first photo…after hearing Gabriel’s message and giving her “yes”, Mary ran with haste to get to her cousin, Elizabeth, who had been barren, but Gabriel told Mary a miracle had taken place and Elizabeth is six months pregnant. After all, NOTHING is impossible with God! And when Elizabeth heard her greeting, her baby recognized the Son of God in her and leaped for joy in her womb. (Luke 1:39-40).

God is the world’s greatest matchmaker EVER! I’m not talking about the kind of romantic matches made online, but rather about “divine” connections made between women in need and those who can help. I have many of those connections and before I would share “my load” with just anyone, I would go to those gals who have my back and I have theirs. Those are the women I do life with. In this Luke 1 Christmas Story, God gives us a beautiful picture of what it looks like when He gives the gift of that kind of friends to help us in challenging times. Here, He joins together a young Mary, with an older woman, Elizabeth, and encourages both of them in the linking. If we’ll zoom in a little, there are some important lessons for us.

Why did Mary need to pack up and leave home to go see Elizabeth? Where was her mother? Her friends? No matter the answers, one fact is clear. Mary needed a faith-filled woman with whom she could connect. In fact, she hurried there! We live in a world where people are lonely and hurting and we know the saying “Misery loves company”. Mary could have sat at home and worried about this new startling info and turn to a nearby friend for support. But, what friend could understand THIS dilemma? She didn’t look for a friend who knew little of life to give her news to, but, Gabriel had given her Elizabeth’s miracle, nothing-is-impossible-with-God story! She knew she was the kind of friend she needed.

There was such joy in their connection. The rest of this story is so beautiful that I can hardly explain it adequately. Elizabeth was elated to hear Mary’s voice and her baby boy leaped in her womb. She cried out in a loud voice, and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Two anointed-with-the-Holy-Spirit boys were inside these women And then Mary started singing with joy and praising and magnifying God.

The outcome of these women’s connection was great joy. Not only were they happy in the moment, but they were forever enriched by the match that God had made between the two of them. God calls us to connect so we can mature. Mary was supported, and Elizabeth had a chance to share her maturity and support. That same joy can be in store for you and me! Let’s connect, Girl Friends, with those who are connected by the Holy Spirit. If ever we needed each other, it is today!

Lord, thank You for giving us divine connections with others who not only encourage us in our faith, but we encourage them with your faithfulness!