Good Friday = DAY of all DAYS

April 19, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

You know the feelings…you, or someone you love is hurting so much, or your closest family member has passed away…..and it seems everywhere you look people are just fine — they’re laughing, they’re carefree, they’re going on with their busy lives, and you think, “How could all that be going on when I’m hurting, or my loved one is hurting so much?” This morning, I had business to take care of, then deal with some other routine things…..and I was smack dab hit with “What am I doing?” This is GOOD FRIDAY — the DAY OF ALL DAYS — that should be commemorated with thanksgiving, celebrations, and everywhere we looked were crosses adorned with neon lights, and music and bands playing and choirs singing — and we’d see people paying homage and giving tributes to what this day means. THIS IS THE DAY Christ bore every sin we’ve ever committed, He carried every sickness we have had and will have, He gave His life so that WE WOULD LIVE FOREVER and EVER! How could we be so distracted and be so oblivious to this DAY OF ALL DAYS? Oh, happy day! Oh glorious day! This day marks our FREE PASS to heaven! Thanks be to God!