You’re On Your Way
I have loved the flood of graduation photos on my social feeds. Some mighty proud parents and beaming family members have risen to the occasion for their graduates.
Last Sunday, we attended the Baccalaureate ceremonies for Carl’s grandson (my bonus grandson), Parker Gates. And, Thursday night, we watched him receive his diploma from Austin’s Westlake High School. It was a sight to behold. Over 700 students.
It was a combo of excitement, accomplishment, and, probably a dash of fear and trepidation about what’s to come. “Where are they heading? What will they do next? Will they be okay?” It’s a roller coaster of dreams come true and nail-biting about the future.
There’s no denying the joy and immense pride that comes along with the collective sigh of relief from their cheering squad – parents, grandparents (us), siblings and friends.
“Whew! We did it!” are words and thoughts that come from those who invested their hearts, time, and treasures into reaching this monumental day.
The lengthy commencement is over, the speeches about chasing dreams and embracing changes have been delivered. For many grads, the future looks bright and shiny while, for others, it’s figuring out how to harness all that knowledge and tackle the responsibilities waiting just around the corner.

We all have grand scripts written out in our minds. Some graduates imagine globetrotting while climbing the career ladder. Others dream of a charming house with a white picket fence and laughter ringing in the yard. Others envision running a Fortune 500 company someday. Dreaming big is fabulous, but let’s not forget to pencil in God’s plans alongside ours.
The ultimate plot twist for all our accomplished graduates, and for us, too, is spoken of in Jeremiah 1:5. The words remind us that before we even started our journey on Earth, God meticulously crafted each of us for a divine purpose. We aren’t here by some random roll of the Monopoly dice!
So, dear graduates, take this piece of wisdom for your journey ahead. Carry on with boldness! You’re not meant to mimic someone else’s journey or replicate their achievements. You are uniquely hand-selected for a life of purpose and destiny.
And the great news? Whatever paths you tread, God’s got the roadmap and all the tools you’ll ever need. Being CHOSEN means you’re equipped, empowered, and accompanied by our mighty God every step of the way. And, we’ll be rooting for you every step of the way!
Congratulations! Today is your day and your launchpad is ripe with potential. Go ahead! Step into your chosen journey with the confidence of your Captain, Father God, Who is at the helm of your ship. We can hardly wait to see what God has in store for you!
Oh, the plans God has for you! (Jeremiah 29:11)