You’ve Got a Friend in Me

November 29, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch

With six grandchildren, I’ve watch many animated movies and among my favorites was Toy Story. “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” is the theme song. Maybe we should use it as our own theme song:
You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got a friend in me.
You’ve got troubles, and I’ve got ’em too
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you
We stick together and can see it through
‘Cause you’ve got a friend in me. You’ve got a friend in me

Yesterday, I heard a speaker say, “Often we look and act like we have it all together, but in reality, we are struggling and hurting and we could sure use a friend that we could like, love, and TRUST.” That resonated with me. And, that friend is one we trust so much that we can bear our aching heart to as we cry bucket loads of tears. That friend is so trustworthy that they will cry and laugh with us, and best of all, our friend provides a “safe” place for us, because what is said in our time together, stays there. The speaker went on to say “Look at how Christ modeled His life. In the garden, as the Son of God, He chose to reveal to his three closest friends the anguish that He was in. He didn’t put a brave face on for the disciples. He shared the anguish of His soul as He cried, ‘Let this cup pass from me. ” If Christ could bear His soul – we need that, too.

We do have a trustworthy friend in Jesus. He is always there for us. He truly understands everything about us because He felt the same pains that we do. But, we also need a friend or friends that we love and trust and are able to reach out to them for encouragement. When I lived in Tulsa, I had a precious group of loving and caring women that were in my weekly Life Group. My home was our “safe space”, because we liked, loved and trusted each other. We shared our hearts openly because we knew what we shared was held as sacred. Galatians 6:2 says “Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ.”

Monday night was the first team meeting for a beautiful spiritual retreat that will take place in March. This team is a group of 40 women who will grow together throughout the next 16 weeks as we pray and prepare together for the retreat, but the most important facet of our coming together is that we are sisters in Christ and we will feel safe in that place. We covenant together to encourage and support each other. WOW! Forty friends to “safely” share each others joys and sorrows with.

The Christmas season is here and no doubt there will be added stress and pressure because of all the many activities that come along with it for many, and for others who are alone and lonely and long for this season to be over for another year. We need to find a “safe place” and a trustworthy friend, one of God’s kids, who will encourage us and lift us up. They are out there. To find that friend, it’s up to us to show ourselves friendly. Maybe YOU and I could be THAT ONE that can offer ourselves as a “safe place” for others to come to for comfort and prayer. Instead of displaying a “Do Not Disturb” sign on our hearts, it’s time to put up an “Open” sign that says “Here’s my shoulder – go ahead and lean on me!” They will know they can come to us for hope, encouragement and support. After all, aren’t we supposed to be the “Good News” carriers? If you haven’t heard it from me before, please hear it now “You’ve got a friend in me, and I love you so much.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “And so encourage one another and help one another, just as you are now doing.”