Month: September 2022

Play the Movie

A friend recommended that I listen to Dr. Henry Cloud’s book “9 Things You Simply Must Do….to Succeed in Love and Life”. Dr. Cloud is a Christian psychologist and his audiobook intrigued and inspired me, especially with his principle of “Play the Movie”. “Playing the Movie,” is the practice of seeing the end before making…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 9, 2022 Off

Dare to be Bold

Yesterday, my blog was about the willingness to get out of the boat and walk on water. Well, not really a boat, unless God told us to (like Peter). I meant, stepping out of our intimidation and comfort zones and “I can’t” zones. Today, I’m taking it a step further! When my sweetheart passed on,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 2, 2022 Off