Month: January 2024

We are the Champions

Two years ago, I purchased an Oura ring. It’s a good fitness tracker, counts my daily steps, shows me my sleep patterns, how well I sleep, or NOT, and helps me maintain a good heart rate. A couple of days ago my husband asked, “How was your sleep last night?” I quickly pulled out my…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 30, 2024 Off

The Listening Blessing

Honestly, I must intentionally focus on listening to those who are speaking to me because my mind tends to be a wanderer. This clarion call comes from the Apostle James: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: ‘Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 29, 2024 Off

 Straighten Up, My Friends!

With all that’s going on in our lives and our world, it’s enough to make us feel like we’re carrying the weight of it all on our shoulders. And all that weight might just be causing us to have bad posture. My mama wouldn’t let me be a “slouch”. I hear her voice right now:…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 28, 2024 Off

The Sweet Payoff of Love

Wednesday night, at our church’s family dinner (a weekly blessing), we sat across from the cutest couple who married in December. He is 90 years old; she is 86. They are just recently out and about because three days before they married, she fell, broke her nose and required stitches from her nose to her…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 27, 2024 Off

Worry Less

WORRY LESS?? That’s what I’m thinking about today. I bought a new computer because the old one literally passed away – along with all the data in it. Ugg! My QuickBooks accounting program was in it and I need that program and data for preparing my tax returns. Also, there’s the scam “issue” we got…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 26, 2024 Off

Let’s Be No Respecters!

At the family center where I volunteer, a fine-looking young man (obviously homeless) told me he was going for a job interview and asked for help to get some clothes for the interview. While I went to get our manager, the young man went shopping — brought back a suit, shirt, tie and shoes. He…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 25, 2024 Off

What are we Magnifying?

Is it just me, or are you also noticing that the fine print on bottles and cosmetics has become smaller? It’s common for me to pull out my trusty magnifying glass to make those words larger. I bought this magnifying glass with a light on it – one for me; one for Carl. It has…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 24, 2024 Off

What Feat are You Attempting?

It was Carl’s pick to see George Clooney’s “Boys in a Boat” movie. The true to life movie is based on the University of Washington’s junior varsity rowing team making it all the way to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. The U.S. eight-man rowing team had won every gold medal since 1920, but this group of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 23, 2024 Off

For the Love of Others

This blog today is one of those “Guilty as charged” talks that I know I need. I am taking this “schooling” lesson to heart and to my cell phone. I read an article about cell phone etiquette and here I am passing along what I read! My cell phone is an appendage to me EXCEPT…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 22, 2024 Off