Christmas Lights and the Light of the World

December 3, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Is it just me, or am I seeing more homes lit up with twinkling Christmas lights this year? Hopefully, it means the Christmas spirit is catching hold of people’s hearts and they’re desiring their “lights” to shine brightly! I know most people are adding to the festivity of Christmas and don’t consider the lights they’re displaying to symbolize Christ, the Light of the World, that dispels the darkness. But, nevertheless, that’s what this girl thinks. Those light displays, great or small, are dispelling the darkness where they are. My lights don’t qualify for extravagance but they do merit checking the box “Donna lets her little lights shine”!

Whether we are the extravagant, over-the-top Christmas light displayer, or we’re like my community where we have just mini-displays, there is good news for us: our homes are still expressing the Christmas spirit. Lights are an important symbol of the meaning of Christmas. Jesus entered this world as the Light of the World to dispel darkness and God got in on the original light show. Just think about the dazzling array of angels who appeared to the shepherds and then the “extravagant” light show of the star over Bethlehem that drew the Wise Men to it. All those fun birth announcements we see today on social media don’t hold a candle to THAT birth announcement and LIGHT show!

I like to think that the LIGHT that lives in us is dispelling the darkness in our sphere of influence. In that case, “You light up my life” takes on a whole new meaning to a world that is begging for LIGHT.” Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” John 8:12. And, here’s the real kicker: Jesus said to us “YOU are the light of the world.” Matt 5:14. How’s that for a standard to live up to? It sure puts the onus on us to check out our wattage and light output, doesn’t it?

Bottom line, the darkness of this world can only be cured by the LIGHT of the ONE who created it: His Light and our Light. I’m thinking that the song “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” should be made a Christmas carol, for most certainly, His LIGHT shining through us could be the extravagant, over-the-top Christmas LIGHT display that could make a difference in the lives of those around us here and around our world. So, shine little lights, shine!