He’s Still Looking Out For Me

July 9, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday, I was filled with so much thanksgiving, yet a little weepy, missing my Sweetheart on our 50th Wedding Anniversary. That’s how I roll. I purpose to live with joy, peace and thanksgiving, but there are still those tender times of sweet memories that bring a few tears to my eyes (yesterday, a few more than usual), and then I pick myself up by the bootstraps to get on with the assignment God has for me each day. My sweet kids had beautiful yellow roses for me. They know how much those yellow roses meant to us. I embraced the calls, text messages and FB messages that celebrated this special day with me. Thank you so much to my precious friends and family who embraced me, virtually AND personally. I strongly felt my Sweetheart’s love — in huge measure, and the chain of events that followed let me know “He’s still looking out for me.

On Wednesday, I drove to Frisco and at Sherman TX, my car’s air conditioner went out. Hello, Texas heat flash! Five minutes after it stopped working, Staci called and said, “Mom, is everything alright? Payton just called from the church and said, “What’s going on? I feel like we need to pray about something.” I told her about the a/c and she said she’d call Payton back and tell him and his friends to pray for me. They did pray and Payton passed the prayer on to me “Nana, God stated in Genesis that we have dominion over all the earth, and that includes car problems. We all come together in the spirit right now and bless you with all the knowledge of Jesus Christ with us. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is with you always and we can all count on Him to save us. May you be healed from this adversity. Amen.”

I truly believed that prayer. After all, “NOTHING is impossible with God”. Thursday morning I headed to the closest Buick dealership. When I arrived, I was amazed at the courtesy that was shown to me by the service reps. Fortunately, at 62,000 miles, I had purchased an extended warranty on my car. When the service rep, Brett Taylor (my knight in shining armor shown in the photo here) drove my car into the garage, he noticed my brakes were squeeshy so he recommended that they be checked, and he noticed that my car had a “recall” on the tailgate and they would see after that, as well as seeing after the a/c – all at no charge except the $50 deductible. By now, I felt like I was at the doctor’s office and the doc was making sure I was in tiptop shape from head to toe. I was getting quality and geniune customer service. How refreshing! I told the rep about some disappointing experiences at my dealership back home and I was assured that wouldn’t happen here.

Because of the extensive work needed, a valet driver took me home. Later I found out there were way more issues and needed replacement parts in the vehicle than a mere a/c issue (i.e., replaced steering gear, rack pinion, replaced both front struts, replaced other parts, as well as a new a/c motor). All those parts were nearly $5,000 in vehicle repairs. On Friday afternoon, the rep said, “Miss Donna, I just got the approval from corporate to cover everything. We’ll start to work on it all tomorrow morning at 7 am.” That would be Friday morning, July 8th, our wedding anniversary.

Am I so naïve to believe that a vehicle a/c going out could result in a $5,000 blessing? I’m not naïve. I am faith-filled and convinced in my Heavenly Father’s love and promise to me: “ALL THINGS….work together for good to those who love God……” Romans 8:28. AND, to add to that, I’m quite sure that my Sweetheart is STILL looking out for me, and how much better he can do that from his front row seat in the grandstands in heaven than here on earth.

“Jesus replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6