I’m Making My Declaration of DEPENDENCE

February 13, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

DEPENDENCE: depending on or relying on others for support
INDEPENDENCE: not depending on or relying on others

We live in a culture that teaches us that it is possible, and in fact preferable to be “INDEPENDENT”… free from responsibility, accountability, and from moral and Godly values. A Declaration of Dependence makes an inspired biblical-based case that the opposite is true. Today I’m making my own definitive declaration that I am in fact “DEPENDENT” on God for everything of real value…my personal, material, physical, and spiritual well being.

We start with dependency on our parents for our daily needs. But, deep inside is that “independent” spirit that starts to demand its own way. Just watch a two-year old be possessive of his stuff and say “MINE” or they pull their hand out of our grasp because they want to be INDEPENDENT of our hold on them. Where do they learn that? Surely, we parents don’t act that way or do we?

As we continue to mature, we become more independent. I grew up dependent on my parents and then on my husband and when he graduated to heaven, I became INDEPENDENT. I only had me to take care of me now. My survival instincts kicked in, with a “CAN DO” mentality. Some of my friends are in awe as I drive alone for hours to get to my next destination. My friend called me a few days ago and I was getting my car serviced for my next trip. She said, “Oh, my husband is doing that right now, too.” I laughed and said, “See, if my husband were still here, he’d be doing this for me too. Welcome to my world!”

I like to pay my own way, live in my own home, make my own decisions, rely on no outside help. And, I’ve learned that if I face an unexpected DIY challenge, I just go to my dear friend, Mr. Google, and I get all the help I need from him. Believe me, he is very worthy of my praise. I can’t begin to tell you how many challenges he has helped me solve.

INDEPENDENCE is a blessing when it comes to domination from another country (i.e. the reason for our Country’s Declaration of INDEPENDENCE). But when our Country AND we start to be INDEPENDENT of God and our trust in Him, then “Hello, Trouble!” It is trouble and struggle when my heart’s attitude is “I can do ALL things through ME who can do anything on my own” instead of the attitude that is most desirable to God, “I can do all things through CHRIST Who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13). He wants us to be DEPENDENT on His all sufficiency. It’s what Jesus told His disciples: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). The fact is, we should never outgrow our dependence and our trust in God, and daily we should be making our Declaration of Dependence on Him Who made us and holds us in the palms of His mighty hands.

I often feel closest to God during times of weakness because I come to depend on Him more. I have a yearning in my heart for Him to transform every nook and cranny of my life. I want Him to be my all-consuming thought, desire and passion. Isaiah 30:15 says “This is what the Almighty LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “You can be saved by returning to me. You can have rest. You can be strong by being quiet and by trusting Me.”

Maybe someone reading this today is in a world of confusion and you want to independently take care of the challenges you face. Then this post is for you. Maybe you’re feeling physically and mentality spent — completely exhausted. Could THIS message be heaven-sent to you today? Could God be urging you to STOP for just a while to declare “In God I Trust” and DEPEND on Him?

Let’s make our Declaration of DEPENDENCE on God and His wisdom for our lives. I’m convinced that grabbing hold of His mighty hand and DEPENDING on Him, will lead us where we need to go and what we need to do. He’s our good, good Father and surely, Father knows best!