Tag: google

What is Your Default Setting?

I’m sure we’ve all had to deal with “default settings” on some of our electronics. For example, if our cell phone is having issues, and all else fails, we’re told to reset it back to the default or factory settings. On our computers, our fonts or our margins are programmed to the default setting, until…

By Donna Wuerch April 22, 2023 Off

No Thanks, I Can Do It Myself!

No Thanks, I Can Do It Myself! Self-Sufficiency – self-supporting, self-reliant, self-sustaining, “I’ve watched my dear 95-year-old mother-in-law, who has been quite independent for years, now be willing to let go of that self-sufficiency. Since she uses a walker, I offered to carry her purse and she’d reply “I can carry it myself!” Now, she…

By Donna Wuerch May 11, 2018 Off

I’m Making My Declaration of DEPENDENCE

DEPENDENCE: depending on or relying on others for support INDEPENDENCE: not depending on or relying on others We live in a culture that teaches us that it is possible, and in fact preferable to be “INDEPENDENT”… free from responsibility, accountability, and from moral and Godly values. A Declaration of Dependence makes an inspired biblical-based case…

By Donna Wuerch February 13, 2018 Off

The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever

 Day 296 of Photo Inspirations — The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever #TBT So in looking through my photo archives, I came across these photos of sweet little kisses, from my sweetheart and I, to kissing our grandchildren, to our kids kissing each other. Oh what precious memories those photos evoked! Thank you for indulging me…

By Donna Wuerch October 29, 2015 Off