Our Experiences can Encourage Others

Our Experiences can Encourage Others

June 12, 2024 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and moments that leave us both exhilarated and exhausted. Through it all, I’ve learned that sharing my own experiences — both the good and the bad – can be a benefit for others.

I’m sure, if you follow my daily blogs, you’ll get that!  I am pretty much an open book. I lay my mistakes and wins all out on the table, because I learned the lessons from what I did wrong and what I did right.

I am on purpose! I want to encourage others with NOT making the same mistakes I made.  I do the same with recommending my wins – like a great movie I saw that encouraged me – or an experience I had that caused me to gain new insight. I want that for you, too!

God calls us all to build up, motivate, and inspire others. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says: “Encourage one another and help one another.” By opening up about our journeys and how God has worked in our lives, we can offer reassurance and hope to those who may be struggling.

Imagine standing in line for a daunting roller coaster.  Our heart is pounding with a mix of excitement and fear. Then someone turns around and says, “This ride is amazing! I’ve been on it five times.” Suddenly, our fear diminishes. If they’ve done it and loved it, maybe we will, too!

First-time parents often feel overwhelmed and unprepared. Then there comes a voice of hope when a seasoned parent comes along and says, “Babies cry. It’s okay. It’s normal!”  Suddenly the weight is lifted off our shoulders.  Hearing that others have faced the same challenges and come through on the other side gives them courage.

Consider Roger Bannister.  He was the first man to run a four-minute mile on May 6, 1954. Before he achieved that feat, it was deemed impossible. Then within months, others broke the same barrier. His accomplishment inspired others to believe in their own potential, showing them that what seemed impossible was possible!

Our experiences — every joy, every struggle — have the potential to be barrier-busting and inspirational for others. But only if we’re willing to share them. Don’t let your experiences go to waste. Use them to encourage others and give them hope.

God works through our stories to uplift those around us. So, let’s embrace our journeys, share our stories, and become the light for others navigating their own roller coasters.