Tag: be kind

Tenderize My Heart, Lord

While journaling, these words poured out: “Lord, tenderize my heart for others.” Tenderize? Where did that come from? Suddenly, my mind rewound to my childhood kitchen, where Mom stood wielding a meat tenderizer, beating the toughness out of a steak. Whack after whack, she softened that meat until it was ready for the frying pan…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 27, 2025 0

Just an Ordinary Average Joe

After watching those brilliant, toned, driven Olympic athletes and their feats, it can certainly intimidate those of us without those well-trained bodies — physically AND mentally! We are just ordinary, average Joes. How could we ever excel and become so remarkable and outstanding in our “sport” or our “job” or our “family and relationships”? “Vive…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 3, 2024 Off

Whose Superhero are You?

I was listening to a Christian radio station. The DJ talked about a family he knows whose wife and mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. The entire family dressed up in superhero costumes and went with her to each of her chemo treatments to let her know she’s their superhero. The DJ said great…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 22, 2022 Off

I Can Control ME

I thought I’d mix it up. Instead of my usual chair that faces the TV, I decided to sit in the chair that faced out to my screened-in patio. Amazing how changing things up can change our perspective. My eyes were drawn to this wall hanging that the previous owners left behind. It was a…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 9, 2020 Off