Tag: be kind

Acts of Random Kindness aka ARK

Yesterday, I joined with about 60 other volunteers from my church, to donate the fixin’s and make over 2,400 sandwiches for the homeless in downtown Dallas. The sandwiches, carrots and raisins were then taken to the “The Soup Mobile” which is a mobile soup kitchen that feeds and shelters the homeless in Dallas. Their Mission…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 6, 2017 Off

Bless Your Heart

I’m a Southern girl — born and raised by a Southern girl. My expression of “Southern girl” isn’t exclusive to Southern girls. I’m quite sure what I learned from my Mama, is still impressive and important for all of us girls — Southern or not. Manners matter and chivalry and respect shouldn’t be dead. I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 3, 2017 Off